Road To Transformation


Leaving behind the life I knew, the things I held so dear to my heart, I felt unsure that this road was secure. Was I doing the right thing? The road ahead was long and winding, the road behind familiar. I kept driving. Although tears built in my eyes and fear in my heart I knew that although the road behind was familiar it was also perpetual. Those cycles kept spinning through my head and I knew that if I didn’t turn north through these winding roads I would never break that pattern. Nothing that is good is easy, going through the fear and uncertainty would bring me closer to the life I want.

“You are doing the right thing.” My road trip partner says to me, I nod with the conviction of an uncertain child.

“I’ll feel better once we cross the state line.” I respond, she nods and puts on a song we both know the words to.

“I can take the wheel if you want.” She yells over the music.

I shake my head, if I let go of this steering wheel I will lose hope. It will be as if I am giving up on my own destiny. Although grateful to have a companion on this nineteen hour drive, I knew that I needed her more for moral support than for driving support. After all, we would be in the mountains in no time. The changing of the seasons would ground me into the reality of the changes of my life.

We stop to fill the tank and stretch our legs – we have passed the state line but it still looks the same. I settle into the reality that my life will not be the same. A few more hours until I see mountains for the first time in my life. As I pump the gas, I look into the back seat and see my life carefully jigsawed into my small car. My heart races, what if I forgot something, what if I have lost my mind. Can I really live off of the few bags I have brought? A hand on my shoulder brings me back to reality.

Getting back on the road, I let her take the wheel for a bit so I can call and check in with my mom and my sister. They are happy we are making good progress and not hitting any bad weather or traffic. The usual things that family worry about. As I lose myself out the window I notice a deer looking at me through the woods. I must be in the heart of the country now. My gaze shifts to the front of the car just as we come around a corner I see the mountains in the clearing ahead. My spirits lift and I forget how nervous I was before. We are so close to our destination – the air smells different.

As we get off the interstate and stroll through the small town roads we are both delirious from lack of sleep. Arriving at our tiny house we have rented for the next two nights I am shocked at how big small can feel. When you allow yourself to be open to these experiences and changes wonderful things can come of it. Upon unloading the car of what we need, we decide to head into the city center for a bite to eat. It is at this moment that I remember it is my birthday. So much transformation on this significant day, a new year of life and a new life to lead.

Prompt 13: The Letter Poem

13. The Letter Poem: Write a poem using words from a famous letter or a letter from your own collection. Continue reading

Prompt 11: Dragon

11. Dragon: Envision a dragon. Do you battle him? Or is the dragon friendly? Use descriptive language. Continue reading

20 of My Favorite Films and the Masterminds Behind Them

  1. 220px-L'Enfant_film Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne
  2. 220px-Brickmovieposter Rian Johnson
  3. 220px-VirginSuicidesPoster Sofia Coppola
  4. 2013-04-The-Great-Gatsby-Poster-7 Baz Luhrmann
  5. Almost_famous_poster1Cameron Crowe
  6. August Rush James V. Hart
  7. blindside John Lee Hancock
  8. Boxtrolls Irena Brignull
  9. Edwardscissorhandsposter Caroline Thompson
  10. Eternal_sunshine_of_the_spotless_mind_ver3 Charlie Kaufman
  11. Hounddog Deborah Kampmeier
  12. Juno Diablo Cody
  13. Letters To Juliet Jose Rivera
  14. Memento Christopher Nolan (Based on a story by his brother Jonathan)
  15. Moonrise Kingdom Wes Anderson
  16. Never Let Me Go Alex Garland
  17. PS_I_Love_You_(film) Richard LaGravenese
  18. The Sweet Hereafter Atom Egoyan
  19. Wild Nick Hornby
  20. machine gun preacher Jason Keller