The Downward Spiral of Depression

“A father is supposed to make it all better” “Sometimes you can’t son, sometimes all you can do is be there for her”

This is the dialogue I heard that kept me up since 9am yesterday. Causing insane waterfalls to flow from my face and insomnia to set in worse than finals week that first semester of sophomore year. You know the one, when you’re very existence staying at a school depends on bringing your gpa back up to a 3.0 so you can keep your scholarships after you blew off freshman year. When you are so afraid of being a college drop out that you can’t sleep even if you wanted to. This was worse.

Maybe I should back up, you see the theme song to this show goes a little something like this ‘bent or broken it’s a family tree each branch a part of a part of me and this is my tree and it’s a good old tree’. Between that playing in my head, the dialogue that pierced through my very existence, and watching this girl that is supposed to be totally messed up have all her dreams come true, I couldn’t take it anymore.

Everyone has a struggle and every one of us is a little different. I care so much about other people and making things okay for them that I lose myself in the process. It’s time to come clean. Every single day is a constant battle between remembering the good memories of my own dad – I was seven or under for those ones – and the shadowed memories that cloud the next fourteen years of my life.

The pain that I feel when I think about all of the times we would bail him out of jail or make sure he had clothes on his back and a little food to eat. Or when he would rather spend his birthday shooting dope than come see me and the cake that I saved up to make for him. All of the stage plays and lacrosse games he missed, not to mention both graduations.

I always wished I would have that movie moment where I look out into the crowd and see him standing in the back. For years I would avoid anyone asking me about who I came from. Avoiding all the kids that may have known him back when my good memories exist. The golden age. Not just golden because they were happy but because we were always outside!

He taught me to surf and to sail, hell he probably taught me to swim too. I’ve been swimming longer than I can walk so who knows. He taught me not to judge a man until you stepped into their shoes, and that life can rain on your parade – literally. He taught me to know directions based off of the ocean and the stars. He taught me what it feels like to lose someone who is quite literally a part of you.

The worst pain of all though, that was when I finally came to terms with the fact that he was gone and I hadn’t even answered his calls in an entire year. How could he forgive me? How could I forgive him? How could I ever live with myself? I still battle these questions and doubts on a daily basis and they surface in the strangest ways. Job hunting and feeling afraid to apply to a position because you aren’t worthy. Meeting new people and just knowing they will leave you. That something more important will always come along and you will be cast aside. Not wanting to look at yourself in the mirror because you look like him. Wondering why you bother to try if you’re a failure like him. Knowing you will never get to say sorry and it mean what you really want it to mean.

Do you ever have these bouts in life? Insomnia, depression, and anxiety takes over and it seems as if you cannot function any longer. I would love to hear your coping methods, I’ve taken a three hour nap in the past thirty six hours and now attempting to burn some lavender oil, keep the lights down low, and drink a little to get tired.

Link to the show

Figuring it Out

Building websites, practicing to teach online, living on a minimalist budget, these are the things filling my time.

Sure I still have times where I get overly emotional watching a movie or show with a strong father figure who is there and doing right by his family. We all have our weaknesses. But the last week or so I have reminded myself how to use photoshop and how to build websites – I built one for my own photography you can see here. A friend liked it so much that I was asked to help build one for their music which I am working on now. The beauty of this project is that I also get to do some photoshoots to have some media for the site which also builds my own portfolio. These are just fun things for me to do and it got me thinking that I could potentially make some money off of these skills. It’s weird to call them skills because they feel more like hobbies to me. I’m also teaching my friend about instagram and how to grow a following organically and beat some of the algorithms in place. I’ve been building my instagram this month and am up over 200 followers with a much higher engagement rate just within the last couple of weeks. It has taken a lot of research and creating a new morning routine to incorporate these newly created habits for posting and engagement but it is working better than I thought it would.

I’ve also been continuing down the road of creating a location independent income; I’m selling some stock photos online and preparing for an interview to teach English online. I made a paper chain for the first time since I was probably six and I’m using my rubber ducky collection for props. I have to have a puppet of sorts so I’m using the only stuffed animal type creature in my apartment – a Mr. Meeseeks from Rick and Morty. But I figure the young children will just think he is a weird character and not actually know what it is from. I’m really taking my time to do the interview mostly because February is the Chinese New year and I have come to understand that it is a quiet month for this type of work. I figure, why rush myself to be done with training etc. if I will just get discouraged by a slow month. I would rather take it slow and know I am prepared and ready for my first students in March.

All of these things are helping me continue freelancing without having to commit to a time consuming job. But odds are I will end up doing some serving again soon to make even more cash and possibly vagabond across the US. Now I know what you are thinking, thats a pretty bold statement. But I’ve run some numbers and honestly, it is cheaper to live on the road than pay all these bills just to stay in the same place. When I drove from Florida to New York it only cost me $100 in gas and I am completely comfortable camping as much as possible and using Airbnb in places I can’t. Plus it would give me the opportunity to visit with some friends across the country I haven’t seen in a while. I’ve been to some great places around the world but I have never left the east coast of my own country – there is so much I am missing out on. Since I have been connecting with so many wonderful traveling ladies and seeing their pictures it has been building a fire within me to do this. I’m even learning how to make it more and more possible.

Finances are easy to manage, I don’t need very much. I enjoy cooking so I can do a food shop and not spend very much money. I’ve pretty much perfected living off of $30 or less from the grocery store each week. To be honest, I feel a lot healthier too. Sometimes towards the end of the week I start to run out of vegetables but by choosing to live meagerly I can save more money (once I balance out my monthly finances) and allow the world to open up to me.

If I can build a location independent income of around $2000 per month and leave New York with a $3k-$5k in savings, I may never need to stay in one location longer than I want to. I could drive out west and spend a month picking grapes for a winery (something I’ve always wanted to try out) then head up to Washington to try and find Mick Dodge. Since that show came out about him I’m completely fascinated.  I can also go to a bunch of film festivals around the country and market my documentary to gain investors. I’ve built out the budget and have some visual material as well, it will be an interesting piece that I can easily build an audience for and distribute online to make a return on investment.

Will you be joining me on this journey? Comment below on what you would like to hear more about!

With a variety of things floating through my head, I’m trying to clear the flotsam and stay focused. I’ve spent the last year or two cutting my anchors and feeling like I’m drowning in the waves but I’m starting to get my sea legs again. Here I am, putting my intentions out into the world and committing myself to this path in life. 

Road To Transformation


Leaving behind the life I knew, the things I held so dear to my heart, I felt unsure that this road was secure. Was I doing the right thing? The road ahead was long and winding, the road behind familiar. I kept driving. Although tears built in my eyes and fear in my heart I knew that although the road behind was familiar it was also perpetual. Those cycles kept spinning through my head and I knew that if I didn’t turn north through these winding roads I would never break that pattern. Nothing that is good is easy, going through the fear and uncertainty would bring me closer to the life I want.

“You are doing the right thing.” My road trip partner says to me, I nod with the conviction of an uncertain child.

“I’ll feel better once we cross the state line.” I respond, she nods and puts on a song we both know the words to.

“I can take the wheel if you want.” She yells over the music.

I shake my head, if I let go of this steering wheel I will lose hope. It will be as if I am giving up on my own destiny. Although grateful to have a companion on this nineteen hour drive, I knew that I needed her more for moral support than for driving support. After all, we would be in the mountains in no time. The changing of the seasons would ground me into the reality of the changes of my life.

We stop to fill the tank and stretch our legs – we have passed the state line but it still looks the same. I settle into the reality that my life will not be the same. A few more hours until I see mountains for the first time in my life. As I pump the gas, I look into the back seat and see my life carefully jigsawed into my small car. My heart races, what if I forgot something, what if I have lost my mind. Can I really live off of the few bags I have brought? A hand on my shoulder brings me back to reality.

Getting back on the road, I let her take the wheel for a bit so I can call and check in with my mom and my sister. They are happy we are making good progress and not hitting any bad weather or traffic. The usual things that family worry about. As I lose myself out the window I notice a deer looking at me through the woods. I must be in the heart of the country now. My gaze shifts to the front of the car just as we come around a corner I see the mountains in the clearing ahead. My spirits lift and I forget how nervous I was before. We are so close to our destination – the air smells different.

As we get off the interstate and stroll through the small town roads we are both delirious from lack of sleep. Arriving at our tiny house we have rented for the next two nights I am shocked at how big small can feel. When you allow yourself to be open to these experiences and changes wonderful things can come of it. Upon unloading the car of what we need, we decide to head into the city center for a bite to eat. It is at this moment that I remember it is my birthday. So much transformation on this significant day, a new year of life and a new life to lead.

I Hear A Whole New World Calling Me

This morning I picked up my hearing aid. I haven’t worn one since I was a kid and all the other children made fun of me. I’m much more confident now and accepting of my differences – let your freak flag fly right? Since my hearing is so severe, I need a behind the ear hearing aid where the tube goes in your ear. I got a bright red one just for fun! It has been an emotional day. I knew things would be louder and more clear however I didn’t expect my own voice to be unrecognizable. When my audiologist was speaking I could observe other things in the room instead of struggling to focus on her face to understand. After I got home, I went for a walk in search of birds. Their songs blew my mind. All in all it has been a surreal experience filled with tears of joy and astonishment.

Lifelong Vegetarianism and a Balanced Life

Being a vegetarian is tough! I’ve never eaten meat a day in my life with the exception of the one time I threw up all over a Mexican restaurant’s floor because they served me the wrong dish and the time I tried chicken and cried for three days while having more stomach issues. That does not mean that getting the proper nutrition is easy.

During my adolescence, when mom made all the hard decisions, I never had to worry about eating right or paying attention to what I put in my body for two reasons; one being I played sports and two being the types of foods our fridge was stocked with. My mom never bought sugary products and always opted for fruit juice popsicles over the artificial ones. She was very careful about what she allowed in our house and always cooked with a lot of vegetables. We were always eating proper foods without even realizing it.

College enhanced my love of pizza as an easy thing to eat with friends without being the oddball that I am but also introduced me to all the artificial sugary products that I had never had before. You would think all the healthy eating my mom instilled in me would kick in and have me opt for the smoothie over the chocolate ice cream cone with sprinkles in the cafeteria or the oatmeal over the Trix cereal in the morning. Instead, it encouraged me to explore the different sugary – certainly no meat products – foods that I had never experienced. Boy did my body take a toll. From the end of high school to the end of college, I went from being a size 4 jeans to a size 10.

Senior Prom
Senior Prom
After College Graduation
After College Graduation

These days, I’m unhappily sporting a size 12 jeans and encouraging myself to crave broccoli on a more regular basis. After really examining what my body needs to boost it’s metabolism and encourage weight loss while keeping a balanced diet, I have made lists and plans to ensure that I am taking in the proper amounts of iron and other vitamins while maintaining about 60g of protein or more daily and a higher dose of fruits. But I know it doesn’t stop with what I eat.

Water is something I have been forcing myself to drink more of on a daily basis for a few weeks now (I have been forcing myself to drink a 1.5L bottle a day and have exceeded that goal on a few occasions. I have been taking my dogs on separate longer walks and even walking 2.6 miles to the grocery store and back when I only need a couple of things.

Last Year
Last Year

Calisthenics are something I believe in on a daily basis so I have also included daily sit ups, push ups, and planks. Next week we add squats. These are a challenge for me not because they are hard to do but because my aforementioned dogs think it’s playtime. When I block them out of the room they cry and scratch at the door incessantly. I’m hoping that more exposure to calisthenics will encourage them to calm down while I am doing my routine.

High School
High School

Having a daily routine has always been a terribly mundane idea to me however as I age I find that it is the most efficient way to have a good day. If you have a morning routine you are setting yourself up for success throughout the rest of the day. Working as a server and a filmmaker, my schedule is never the same so I have opted to create a routine that works for me on MOST days. I take the hurdles as they come and create alternative routines that get the job done.

I like to be up by 7 to walk the dogs and put some water on to boil. This is when I fill the dog’s water bowl, clean out my french press, and add some coffee grinds. With the coffee seeping, I like to take a few deep breaths and do a few stretches to loosen up. I take my coffee on our patio and reflect on the outdoors before feeding both dogs and putting on some sneakers. Here is where I walk them around the neighborhood long enough to break a sweat. Afterwards I fit in my calisthenics, eat some breakfast, and settle in to write.

With these lifestyle changes and monthly dinner charts and weekly routines planned out, I’m hoping that I can continue sticking to a happier and healthier lifestyle to lead to more confidence in my own abilities. Another great benefit is that I have been cooking at home more and I’ve truly been impressing myself (and my carnivorous boyfriend) with my recent vegetarian black bean soup and lacto-ovo Chinese fried rice.

Would you be interested in seeing my meal plans and charts? How about more recipes and food posts? I can create more of them if you are interested.

Body AND Mind

I have a love/hate relationship with working out: I love to look thin and healthy and I hate running. Calisthenics I don’t mind, but I would rather read or write and work out my mind instead. It is a serious problem because my personal discipline in saying no to my intellectual growth in leu of physical exercise is quite low. In the past, I have battled self-harm and the thought that this body/life doesn’t matter.

Clearly I was young and dumb, because life can matter if you make it. Start on the micro scale. What can you do in your community to make a difference? Then move on to what you can do with your life to make a difference. I have come to understand that through personal growth, but still struggle with body issues.

I haven’t taken a razor to my skin since 2011 and I am very proud of that. I have learned that I am capable of feeling and it is okay to feel it on the inside and not need to inflict physical pain on myself. My body image is where I place these self-harm feelings these days. I don’t like to look at myself in the mirror – especially not naked. What I see disgusts me. I’m not sure how I got here, but I aim to improve my self-worth and create an image I am proud of.

As much as I would like to be back into the shape I was in during my lacrosse days, I am much more focused on just being healthy. It is a lifestyle change. I want to eat more fruits and veggies and drink more water. I want to be active every day. Running is fine and dandy but swimming laps is another option which I love. I’m also thinking about incorporating yoga in my routine because it helps me meditate. A healthy balance of working out the body and the mind is what I need to find. It is okay to favor one to the other but it is not okay to neglect one completely.

Over the last two weeks I have lost five pounds by eating at home more and walking further with each dog every day. I have two of them and they don’t walk well together – they are too independent and want to go in opposite directions so I always walk them separately. This is also helpful for my workout plans because if I walk one of them further than usual every day I’m going to walk the other the same length to be fair. They both need the exercise as well and it helps me get out there too.

These are the only changes I have made. To me, this is a testament to how out of shape I am. So now I am incorporating Monday through Friday running or swimming. I’m a server so Saturdays and Sundays are difficult but if I can fit it in… Anyways, since I prefer swimming I will do laps three days a week and run twice which means each dog will have their day.



As well as this routine and healthier eating habits, I have an accountability partner for working out physically as well as a writing partner for holding me accountable in that aspect. I think these people will help me reach my personal goals and keep a more disciplined outlook on how I treat my body and my mind. I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my babies, they make me happy every day with their cuddles. They even cuddle together, here is one last parting picture:


Prompt 4: Dancing

4. Dancing: Who’s dancing and why are they tapping those toes?

I’ve always been jealous of those that can dance through life with glee. Prancing through the streets as if the world is their oyster. There was once a time when people thought I was gleeful and inexperienced in life – that is when I learned I am a good actress. Since I was a young girl, things have been going wrong in my life. I was introduced to sex and drugs much too early and have lost more people than I can count on one hand before graduating college. It’s been at least one per year since my freshman year of high school – it makes me feel as if everything I come in contact with turns to dust. As if I am the problem – although I am not killing these people it feels as if knowing me is the problem. I’ve kept myself at a distance from others ever since. I can’t dance, it hurts my soul. It hurts to enjoy life when others cannot. Forgetting how to dance in the rain, forgetting how to dance at all, my soul is still but is stillness good? I don’t think so. I think that our souls should sing every day. Dancing is synonymous with happiness in this regard. We all deserve to be happy – in whatever way makes us happy. But once you lose it, how do you get it back? I don’t have an answer to this question but I would love to find it. I miss being happy despite the pain, these days the pain has overcome my being and feeling anything at all hurts. Any kind of emotion comes full circle to hurt, pain, guilt, and agony. Even when I think I am happy I feel guilty for being happy. Why?

Questions and Direction

Do you ever feel like you are living your life wrong? Wonder if something is missing? I’m going through the daily motion but I feel I have a disconnect in my mind. I’m unsure how to make it go away, what am I doing wrong? Is it time to cut my anchors? Do I have the slightest direction? Where does one find said direction? It’s strange, the more books you read the more certain you are doomed. Perhaps ignorance truly is bliss. I don’t want bliss, I want truth! I want to live every day in my own body not separated by facetious walls. We work so hard to wall ourselves in only to break out swinging. We hit that stuffy wall of claustrophobia and need to break out. Will breaking out set you free or bring you right back to square one? There are so many questions roaming my head and you are no longer here to answer them. The transition is drastic but I must have faith in myself. If you are confident in your own beliefs, surely you will guide yourself in the right direction. When you can visualize your path you can achieve your dreams.


Road Trips, Planning, and Other Ramblings

I’ve been living in Florida for nearly all my life, with the exception of the first two years, the year I lived in New York, and the three months I lived in The Netherlands. I’ve become accustomed to all it has to offer. My love for beaches will never go away but neither will my yearning to see more. Hurricanes have become a reason for drinks and games. Nothing is scary after living on a barrier island during hurricane season and watching the island disappear during the water surge. Kayaking down the street with four feet of water under your raft really changes your perception on things.

I’m ready to leave this place and experience life in a season other than perpetual summer. I want to understand what driving in the mountains and through snow is like; I know it is dangerous but I’m up for the challenge.

I want to know what the air smells like at a higher altitude. I yearn to experience a new kid of adventure. So I have decided it is time. I’m torn between gutting it out to California and paying a crazy amount for water or going somewhere like Colorado, Arizona, Washington, or Oregon. They all have pros and cons as far as schools for my masters once I gain residency, affordability, and opportunity.

Planning a road trip is hard. I know I sound like a whinny baby, but it’s true. Saving has been the sole goal of the last few months and we have six months left until our lease is up. I’m thankful to have someone to go with and to lean on for support in times of emotional and physical need. To have a partner to take on this challenge with and share in the responsibilities has helped my confidence in my own decision making.

We have decided to camp the whole way wherever we go and have already invested in a four person tent to fit my boyfriend, two dogs, and I. We also acquired a couple of sleeping bags and backpacks. I have an uneasy feeling looking around my apartment and knowing how much of it I will never see again. I’m only taking my books, art supplies, a small amount of memorabilia from my travels, and about two weeks worth of clothes. Minimization is key to making a move of this magnitude. The goal is to find a job in one of these places before we leave. I’m being picky though because I really want to work as a writer or filmmaker in some capacity after my move. The service industry is killing my soul, it is time to move on up in the world and put my unique set of skills to use. Time to focus on me and filling every moment with happiness.

This month’s reading list includes
Writer’s Yearbook 2015
Someone by Alice McDermott
The Lightkeeper’s Wife by Sarah Anne Johnson

Have you read any of these? Opinions? How did you feel about the style and tone? Were you moved? Did you find the magazine helpful? Any suggestions for next month?




Also check out my travel blog: Dream Across The World