Prompt 2: The Unrequited Love Poem

2. The Unrequited love poem: How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back?


I dream of us together side by side

Your eyes don’t hold the same passion as mine

My hands reach up to touch yours run and hide

The world is crashing around me – still I pine

My head will mend my heart which you have denied

Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine

Picking up the pieces to mend my pride

Traveling through the wonders of the divine

Our world is full of adventure untried

For that, my love for you I will resign

Wandering out to the other side

Purpose in hand to redefine

Possibilities are endless time to decide

Here I am, It’s the end of the line

365 Days of Writing Prompts

I call myself a writer. I label myself daily, yet spend weeks waiting for inspiration to strike. It is time to take a new approach, time to gain some structure.

I’ve always been deep in the arts since I was a young girl – I remember performing in my first play before I could read. I used a tape recorder to learn my lines. When I discovered that you did not have to be the elite to write plays and stories for others to read and be inspired, I knew that was what I had to do.

Immediately I began entering playwriting contests and poetry contests, in college I discovered short stories and screenplays. After graduation, my life got flipped upside down and I didn’t know who I was anymore or what I wanted for myself. I didn’t even know what my reason for continuing with life was. That got taken from me and I wasn’t sure how to get it back.

I took the first opportunity to run away from life which coincidentally gave me one of the best friends and memories a girl could ask for. I learned so much about myself and my own durability.

Lately I find myself standing on the edge and afraid to leap. I know what I need to do yet I don’t do it. I’m tired of letting myself down. Tired of pretending to be something I’m not. A true master practices her craft every single day without hesitation.

In order to gain that valuable habit, I have decided to start a 365 day journey down the road of writing prompts to help inspire me and help me hone my craft. If I want to be the best, I have to train like the best.

I read through a plethora of challenges and this one resonates with me the best. Starting today, August 30 2015, I will take it one prompt at a time and become confident in calling myself a writer everyday.

Writers out there, what tricks do you do in your daily life to help your writing? Do you write everyday at a certain time? Do you have a special space? Share what helps you.


When the boob box no longer stimulates

Retreat into nature to compensate 

A bench in the woods nature penetrates

A place where new ideas formulate

Isolation need not humiliate

Take some time, be still and meditate

Perhaps humility is your mate

We will never know unless you go – emancipate

Typewriters and Book Fairs

Today was one of the best days I have had in a while. I started my day with a nice kickboxing workout and then hurried through my morning routine with the dogs to attend a book fair.

On my drive to the Oxford Exchange, I saw a peculiar young man in a silver convertible brushing his teeth while driving on the interstate. Admittedly I laughed, but then I began to think about why one would do such a thing? What kind of world do we live in where people are okay with putting multiple lives at risk to brush their teeth in the car?!? A world where went care about our fellow man – which has been proven numerous times in this past year. It is so sad to me.

Back to my lovely day. I decided to go to the coffee shop because Tampa Type invited me to an event in which I could experience first hand typewriters from every era of history that have been hand restored to working order. Randy even had paper in them set with prompts for people to write a little bit too.

The event coincided with OE’s first Book Fair featuring a vast selection of local books whose authors were present. I left with a bunch of business cards, a book of poetry, and some leaflets on other books. I met so many interesting people with such wonder in their eyes you only find in those intelligent souls who seek the madness in life. On my way out, I couldn’t help but pick up a copy of Thoreau’s Where I Lived, And What I Lived For as a gift to my boyfriend.

Upon arriving home, I had a lovely lunch with him and our dogs and presented him with the book which he is ecstatic about reading. Personally, I’m about to settle in with my new signed copy of Middle Class American Proverb, a book of poetry by John Davis Jr, and a glass of wine.