The Downward Spiral of Depression

“A father is supposed to make it all better” “Sometimes you can’t son, sometimes all you can do is be there for her”

This is the dialogue I heard that kept me up since 9am yesterday. Causing insane waterfalls to flow from my face and insomnia to set in worse than finals week that first semester of sophomore year. You know the one, when you’re very existence staying at a school depends on bringing your gpa back up to a 3.0 so you can keep your scholarships after you blew off freshman year. When you are so afraid of being a college drop out that you can’t sleep even if you wanted to. This was worse.

Maybe I should back up, you see the theme song to this show goes a little something like this ‘bent or broken it’s a family tree each branch a part of a part of me and this is my tree and it’s a good old tree’. Between that playing in my head, the dialogue that pierced through my very existence, and watching this girl that is supposed to be totally messed up have all her dreams come true, I couldn’t take it anymore.

Everyone has a struggle and every one of us is a little different. I care so much about other people and making things okay for them that I lose myself in the process. It’s time to come clean. Every single day is a constant battle between remembering the good memories of my own dad – I was seven or under for those ones – and the shadowed memories that cloud the next fourteen years of my life.

The pain that I feel when I think about all of the times we would bail him out of jail or make sure he had clothes on his back and a little food to eat. Or when he would rather spend his birthday shooting dope than come see me and the cake that I saved up to make for him. All of the stage plays and lacrosse games he missed, not to mention both graduations.

I always wished I would have that movie moment where I look out into the crowd and see him standing in the back. For years I would avoid anyone asking me about who I came from. Avoiding all the kids that may have known him back when my good memories exist. The golden age. Not just golden because they were happy but because we were always outside!

He taught me to surf and to sail, hell he probably taught me to swim too. I’ve been swimming longer than I can walk so who knows. He taught me not to judge a man until you stepped into their shoes, and that life can rain on your parade – literally. He taught me to know directions based off of the ocean and the stars. He taught me what it feels like to lose someone who is quite literally a part of you.

The worst pain of all though, that was when I finally came to terms with the fact that he was gone and I hadn’t even answered his calls in an entire year. How could he forgive me? How could I forgive him? How could I ever live with myself? I still battle these questions and doubts on a daily basis and they surface in the strangest ways. Job hunting and feeling afraid to apply to a position because you aren’t worthy. Meeting new people and just knowing they will leave you. That something more important will always come along and you will be cast aside. Not wanting to look at yourself in the mirror because you look like him. Wondering why you bother to try if you’re a failure like him. Knowing you will never get to say sorry and it mean what you really want it to mean.

Do you ever have these bouts in life? Insomnia, depression, and anxiety takes over and it seems as if you cannot function any longer. I would love to hear your coping methods, I’ve taken a three hour nap in the past thirty six hours and now attempting to burn some lavender oil, keep the lights down low, and drink a little to get tired.

Link to the show

Road To Transformation


Leaving behind the life I knew, the things I held so dear to my heart, I felt unsure that this road was secure. Was I doing the right thing? The road ahead was long and winding, the road behind familiar. I kept driving. Although tears built in my eyes and fear in my heart I knew that although the road behind was familiar it was also perpetual. Those cycles kept spinning through my head and I knew that if I didn’t turn north through these winding roads I would never break that pattern. Nothing that is good is easy, going through the fear and uncertainty would bring me closer to the life I want.

“You are doing the right thing.” My road trip partner says to me, I nod with the conviction of an uncertain child.

“I’ll feel better once we cross the state line.” I respond, she nods and puts on a song we both know the words to.

“I can take the wheel if you want.” She yells over the music.

I shake my head, if I let go of this steering wheel I will lose hope. It will be as if I am giving up on my own destiny. Although grateful to have a companion on this nineteen hour drive, I knew that I needed her more for moral support than for driving support. After all, we would be in the mountains in no time. The changing of the seasons would ground me into the reality of the changes of my life.

We stop to fill the tank and stretch our legs – we have passed the state line but it still looks the same. I settle into the reality that my life will not be the same. A few more hours until I see mountains for the first time in my life. As I pump the gas, I look into the back seat and see my life carefully jigsawed into my small car. My heart races, what if I forgot something, what if I have lost my mind. Can I really live off of the few bags I have brought? A hand on my shoulder brings me back to reality.

Getting back on the road, I let her take the wheel for a bit so I can call and check in with my mom and my sister. They are happy we are making good progress and not hitting any bad weather or traffic. The usual things that family worry about. As I lose myself out the window I notice a deer looking at me through the woods. I must be in the heart of the country now. My gaze shifts to the front of the car just as we come around a corner I see the mountains in the clearing ahead. My spirits lift and I forget how nervous I was before. We are so close to our destination – the air smells different.

As we get off the interstate and stroll through the small town roads we are both delirious from lack of sleep. Arriving at our tiny house we have rented for the next two nights I am shocked at how big small can feel. When you allow yourself to be open to these experiences and changes wonderful things can come of it. Upon unloading the car of what we need, we decide to head into the city center for a bite to eat. It is at this moment that I remember it is my birthday. So much transformation on this significant day, a new year of life and a new life to lead.

Prompt 11: Dragon

11. Dragon: Envision a dragon. Do you battle him? Or is the dragon friendly? Use descriptive language. Continue reading

Prompt 8: Dream-catcher

8. Dream-catcher: Write something inspired by a recent dream you had.

((Should have posted yesterday))

Have you ever woken up from a dream and felt as if you had just ran a marathon? Sometimes my dreams are so vivid and real that I feel as if I haven’t slept at all. Recently I have found myself running through forests and diving into beds of water playing under the falls. There is nothing but pure bliss and the notion of adventure. I think it is my yearning to get back to nature and experience something new creeping through my subconscious.

As a kid I had the same recurring dream over and over. It would start out at my childhood home on the beach. I would be outside playing with my dog Cassidy and my dad when a bad guy dressed like a ninja would fly through on a motorcycle and steal our dog! He would go speeding out of the driveway leaving us in a cloud of dust. My dad would grab a motorcycle he hadn’t ridden in years and grab me up with him. We would chase the bad guy through town.

The chase scenes were intense. I would have to grab the steering while my dad reached for Cassidy on the other motorcycle. We had to stay perfectly even with it in order to get her off safely. Once my dad had rescued her, the bad guy would grab me and kidnap me. I would kick and scream and threaten him until my dad would save me. It always ended with the bad guy getting in an awful wreck. I never saw blood but I knew he was done for.

This dream would come to me at least once a week and it always played out the same and I was always terrified. I would wake up in cold sweats and feel panicky. The entire day after I would be exhausted. It is amazing to me that our brains hold these things to play to us in our sleep among everything else that it does. What does it all mean?

Prompt 7: The Rocket-ship

7. The Rocket-ship: Write about a rocket-ship on it’s way to the moon or a distant galaxy far, far, away.

Blast off! The heat can be felt as the ground shakes and the ship takes off into the sky leaving a trail of light that can be seen across the state. Living in Florida has had it’s advantages, I live directly across the state from Cape Canaveral and can see the light streaks that happen through the sky as spacecrafts take off.

The first things that come to my mind when I think of the rocket-ship are blast off, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and my grandpa’s longtime friend Rockets. Crazy old man; I don’t know what his real name was, I only ever heard people refer to him as Rockets. He would come to family cookouts and sit on the patio with grandpa smoking cigars and drinking cognac.

Neil deGrasse Tyson makes rocket ships go off in my head every time I hear his voice. He always has something mind blowing to say about the universe or the multiverse. Could you imagine floating through space and happening upon a black hole and then getting sucked through to a completely different universe?!? I can’t.

There are so many things about space that I didn’t know we knew and he breaks them down in such a way that I find myself getting lost staring at the sky nearly every night. Dreaming about colonies on other planets and the life of a star; contemplating all the rotations and pulls until I feel sick to my stomach.

I’m a big fan of his show The Cosmos, I learn so much from it and I like that they use editing tricks to stretch light and sound when they are talking about it. He does a smashing podcast with my other favorite scientist, Bill Nye; he taught me everything I thought I knew about science before I knew Neil exist. In fact he has continued teaching me through adulthood. It is amazing the information you can find if you look for it.

Everything in our planet, including us, is made of the same particles the universe is made of. I have this lovely picture as my desktop image and it inspires me every day:


Prompt 2: The Unrequited Love Poem

2. The Unrequited love poem: How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back?


I dream of us together side by side

Your eyes don’t hold the same passion as mine

My hands reach up to touch yours run and hide

The world is crashing around me – still I pine

My head will mend my heart which you have denied

Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine

Picking up the pieces to mend my pride

Traveling through the wonders of the divine

Our world is full of adventure untried

For that, my love for you I will resign

Wandering out to the other side

Purpose in hand to redefine

Possibilities are endless time to decide

Here I am, It’s the end of the line

365 Days of Writing Prompts

I call myself a writer. I label myself daily, yet spend weeks waiting for inspiration to strike. It is time to take a new approach, time to gain some structure.

I’ve always been deep in the arts since I was a young girl – I remember performing in my first play before I could read. I used a tape recorder to learn my lines. When I discovered that you did not have to be the elite to write plays and stories for others to read and be inspired, I knew that was what I had to do.

Immediately I began entering playwriting contests and poetry contests, in college I discovered short stories and screenplays. After graduation, my life got flipped upside down and I didn’t know who I was anymore or what I wanted for myself. I didn’t even know what my reason for continuing with life was. That got taken from me and I wasn’t sure how to get it back.

I took the first opportunity to run away from life which coincidentally gave me one of the best friends and memories a girl could ask for. I learned so much about myself and my own durability.

Lately I find myself standing on the edge and afraid to leap. I know what I need to do yet I don’t do it. I’m tired of letting myself down. Tired of pretending to be something I’m not. A true master practices her craft every single day without hesitation.

In order to gain that valuable habit, I have decided to start a 365 day journey down the road of writing prompts to help inspire me and help me hone my craft. If I want to be the best, I have to train like the best.

I read through a plethora of challenges and this one resonates with me the best. Starting today, August 30 2015, I will take it one prompt at a time and become confident in calling myself a writer everyday.

Writers out there, what tricks do you do in your daily life to help your writing? Do you write everyday at a certain time? Do you have a special space? Share what helps you.

Prompt 1: Outside the Window

1. Outside the Window: What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?

Right now it is only 77 degrees outside and although our usual Florida humidity is up to 89% I can actually walk the dogs without sweat dripping off of my body. The voice inside my head reminds me that it is still early, the sun has a lot of rising to do. By mid afternoon it will feel like the sweaty pits of a volcano climber who has not showered in days. I see the sun now, creeping through the trees – my tomatoes are loving it. The glow it casts upon my balcony makes me want to dance and sing, to climb the trees as I once did, and to dive into a sea of water all at the same time. A couple more months. I have to remind myself that the heat will end, soon my sweatshirt and shorts will be the perfect armor against the fall weather. I dream of a road trip through the Appalachians, finding a spot nestled in the color changing trees to set up camp, and hiking through the natural beauty of the season. Fall is a time to shed old skin and become a better version of yourself. You are never too old to keep learning and growing.

Chase of the Wolf

Chase of the Wolf was my first short film at film school, I was so nervous during this process. Being inspired by Atom Egoyan’s The Sweet Hereafter, I intertwined the story of the Three Little Pigs with my fictional story about a couple of kids who attempt to escape their alcoholic father.

There were so many tribulations on this production. Most stressful being that the “friend” who offered to play the third child chose to get drunk that night and be MIA for call time to drive to location (we carpooled from university). I started hyperventilating immediately – I thought the picture was finished. Who could I get on such short notice or no notice? My dear friend, who later became my producer, got behind the wheel and told me to start rewriting on the drive. We would make it work.

How could my story be an adaptation of the Three Little Pigs if there were only two ‘little pigs’? Not wanting to make my own screen debut while also directing, writing, producing, filming, and editing on my own, I pulled out my pencil and started cutting and editing my script. It felt all too natural to be making another draft – I had already done so many.

This was my first experience with lighting and the XL-1 that I was filming with so it was really trial and error. I learned so much just by doing it. When showing my film in narrative class, my teacher swore I filmed with the XL-2 because of how well lit she said my shots were. I was beaming. Something I thought would be ruined was turning out pretty okay.

I like to go back to this whenever I am starting a new project to remind myself that things always turn out better than I expect. As TG (my advisor and mentor) always says ‘always have a plan A – Z’ , This set taught me to be ready for everything and stay creative in working around a camera. I used a long board as a dolly for one shot and really just tried as many techniques as I could during the time I could get my friends to do whatever I said. It was great. Here’s a look at my very first film:

Believing in The Face of Opportunity

A few new opportunities have been coming my way and it has reshaped the way I wish to live my daily life. I have been thinking a lot about how I miss playing Lacrosse and performing, as well as wanting to leave the restaurant industry for good ad go full time creative. Recently, I wrapped a web series I was working on as the Script Supervisor and found inspiration for a few stories within myself to write. Unfortunately those stories must stay private for the time being.

An old lacrosse friend reached out to me about being a referee for local high school games and leagues recently. Another friend asked if I would be willing to teach an acting class to some children in my hometown at a dance studio. These both seem like a lot of fun however I feel a bit under qualified so I think I should take both these opportunities as a wake up call.

I need to do some work on myself to be able to take the opportunities I want for my life. These changes include completing the screenwriting certification course I started to boost morale, daily running to get in better shape for refereeing, and daily study and practice of breathing techniques and acting. I also want to spend time everyday in my office working on stories, I have too many incomplete scripts and it is frustrating. I want to add at least two new finished scripts by 2016.

I believe that if I work hard at filling my hours with goal oriented activity I can get enough gigs where I can leave the restaurant industry. I can be a ref during season and work on projects around that both on and off screen. I can even be a substitute teacher to supplement as needed. However I think that if I get some updated head shots I can get enough gigs acting and working on set that I won’t have to do that.

For now though it’s about creating a routine. Living in Florida means mid day running is suicide so I will have to start waking up earlier and running while it is still a little cool. Come home, take care of the dogs, shower, make coffee, take care of the plants and house work, write for an hour mid afternoon, and read up on techniques, rules, and random free courses I stumble upon before work, go to work, and afterwards watch movies for inspiration. That sounds like a perfect day; a nice balance of things I enjoy and things I could live without.

My meal plan creation has inspired me to bring some more order to my day to day life and I think it will have a positive affect. I’m buying a blender soon so I can have smoothies and help me in my dinnertime cooking – I think this will also help me stay healthy and able for lacrosse refereeing. I’m going to send my resume to the owner of the dance studio and hope it works out.

I believe that I am more capable than I think I am.